This paper presents a comprehensive exposition of a spontaneous laser model for a resonant semiclassical system of radiation and ion cluster-solvated rotating water molecules with subtly variable moments of inertia. In this system, ions in the cluster carry the same electric charge and move with very low, non-relativistic velocities in a direction parallel to an applied unidirectional static electric field. The role of the static electric field is to induce electrostatic mixing of the rotational states of the water molecules.It is assumed that the dimensions of the ion cluster are much shorter than the wavelength of the radiation in the resonant interaction. In this model, we describe rotating water molecules quantum mechanically by using a two-level approximation, and we show that the equations of motion of the system are the same as those of a conventional free electron laser system. This result and the existence of permanent electric polarization of the water molecules by electrostatic mixing lead to a mechanism for radiation coherence induced by collective instability in the wave-particle interaction. As an illustrative example, we apply this mechanism to action potential propagation in myelinated neuronal axons of the human brain.