We present exact solutions for some eigenstates of hopping models on one and two dimensional quasiperiodic tilings and show that they are "critical" states, by explicitly computing their multifractal spectra. These eigenstates are shown to be generically present in 1D quasiperiodic chains, of which the Fibonacci chain is a special case. We then describe properties of the ground states for a class of tight-binding Hamiltonians on the 2D Penrose and Ammann-Beenker tilings. Exact and numerical solutions are seen to be in good agreement.In quasicrystals, the arrangement of atoms is nonperiodic yet long-range ordered. This type of quasiperiodic order is best illustrated by considering tilings. These are structures obtained by packing a small number of basic elements, or tiles, according to certain specified rules. Quasiperiodic tilings can exhibit non-crystallographic symmetries: in this article we will focus on the AmmannBeenker tiling ( fig. (1)) that has a eight-fold orientational symmetry, and on the celebrated Penrose tiling which has a five-fold symmetry.Single-electron properties of 1D quasicrystals are rather well understood: many spectral properties of quasiperiodic chains are known, and the eigenstates are also well characterized. In contrast, even the simplest models of 2 and 3 dimensional quasicrystals have resisted theoretical investigations. Consider for example the Ammann-Beenker tiling ( fig. (1)), and a tightbinding model for non-interacting electrons hopping between nearest neighbor vertices on this tiling:Although this Hamiltonian is simple, no solutions were known for any of its eigenstates, apart from trivial confined eigenstates at the middle of the spectrum [17]. Taking their cue from periodic crystals, where Bloch states are given by ψ k (r) = u k (r)e ik.r with u a periodic function, Kalugin and Katz [15] proposed that the ground state of the model (1) be given by a product of two factors, namelyIn this expression, κ is a real constant (note that in [15] the notation λ = exp(2κ) is used). The pre-exponential factor C(i) of the ansatz (2) is a quasiperiodic function, a site-dependent amplitude which depends only on the arrangement of the atoms around the site i. In other words, C(i) C(j) if the arrangement of the atoms around site i matches the arrangement of the atoms around site j out to a large distance. The non-local height field h(i) in the exponential depends on the geometrical properties of the tiling. We will refer to eigenstates of this form henceforth as Sutherland-Kalugin-Katz -or SKK eigenstates.In this article, we consider generalizations of the results of Kalugin and Katz to other tight-binding models. We consider first the relatively simple case of models on 1D quasiperiodic chains, and show that they admit eigenstates of a form similar to that given in Eq. (2). We next consider the 2D case, for the Ammann-Beenker and Penrose tilings. and we show that the ground states continue to have the SKK structure even when the Hamiltonian in Eq.(1) is generalized to include onsite potenti...