A detailed linear and nonlinear analysis of quasimode parametric excitations relevant to experiments in supplementary heating of tokamak plasmas is presented. The linear analysis includes the full ion-cyclotron harmonic quasimode spectrum. The nonlinear analysis, considering depletion of the pump electric field, is applied to the recent Alcator A heating experiment. Because of the very different characteristics of a tokamak plasma near the wall (in the shadow of the limiter) and inside, t-he quasimode excitations are studied independently for the plasma edge and the main bulk of tFle plasma, and for two typical regimes in overall d&nsity, the low (peak in density, ne = 1.5 x 1 0 H cM~?) and high (7o = _ x 10 ~M3) density regimes. At the edge of the plasma and for the low density regime, it is found that higher Pz 's (nz = c kz'o) than those predicted by the linear theory are strcngly excited. Inside the plasma,. the excitation of higher wave-numbers is also signiftcant. These results' indicate that a large amount of the rf-power may not penetrate to the plasma center, but will rather be either Landau-damped on the electrons or modeconverted into thermal modes, close to the plasma edge . Moreover, for sufficiently high peaks in density it is found that all the rf-power is modeconverted before reaching the plasma center. Inside the plasma the power density of the excited sideband fields is shown to be always very small in comparasion with their excitation at the plasma edge.