When developing radio receivers in the microwave range, engineers are faced with the task of creating filter circuits with sufficiently high selectivity. Discrete radio elements do not have a sufficient quality factor to construct such filters, therefore, to solve this problem, volumetric electromagnetic resonators are used, in particular vacuum coaxial resonators. This paper provides a review of existing techniques. The main factors influencing the behavior of the electromagnetic field in filters built on the basis of coaxial cavity resonators are also considered, a simulation of such a filter in the S-wave range is carried out, and the main recommendations and relationships used in its design are indicated. As practice shows, an accurate assessment of the parameters of complex microwave structures can only be made using computer numerical modeling methods, however, such calculations take a lot of time if carried out without any preliminary estimates, especially if we are talking about creating a high-order filter with a number of links of 4 or more. At the same time, the method for calculating filters outlined in this article makes it possible to find estimated filter parameters, the further optimization of which is advisable to carry out using numerical methods. The described approach allows us to significantly reduce development time and quickly select the geometric parameters necessary for good electrical matching.