The present study investigated whether the crypto market is a safe haven. The study argues that during the first wave of the COVID-19 crisis, gold and oil, as typical global commodities, could have been diversifiers. The study developed a unique COVID-19 global composite index that measures COVID-19 pandemic time-variant movements on each day. The study used OLS (ordinary least squares), quantile, and robust regressions to check whether the COVID-19 crisis has had any significant direct influence on the crypto market. The OLS, quantile, and robust regressions estimates confirmed that there was no statistically significant direct influence of the COVID-19 crisis on the crypto market in the first wave period. However, the study found spillovers from risky assets (S&P 500) on the crypto market, with Tether as an exception. Due to this special characteristic, Tether might present a safe haven within the crypto market.