Abstract__This paper builds a probability estimating nodel of image m e s ; i o n ratio in different scan swuences, The c?xperiments show that the probable compressiorr ratio can beusedto estimate the real cnwression ratio. An algorithm to search in optid sequence autmatically from a given quanti zation matrix has been found. Using this algorithm we obtain a result that the optimal sequence of Y-matrix is just the scan sequence ZIG-ZAG.
INlRowcTIONThe image compression proceclure eould be devided into 3 stages: transform , quantization and run-length encodling, later coa_lpression or later encoding. So we &o-the general compression ratio R asThe transforin stage mainly prepares the data for follow-up quantization, run-length encoding and later compression. Soroetimes it CoMjeRSes theer preliminarily, but the colllpression ratio R1 has nothing to do with the scan sequence. The quantization and run -length encoding of the sub-block i s in progress with same scan sequence, Using a selected quantization matrix to quantizate a definite image, the compression ratio R21 is perfect independent of the scan sequence too.The run-length ending arranges the 0-7803-2916-3 20. 10. 1 coefficients in the 2-dimention transform domain matrix to a 1-dimention form, and encodes the succesive "0'. The run-length encoding compression ratio R22 is ObviousIy relative with the scan sequence.Because of R22 is lossless, an optimized scan sequence can make full use of the transf0r-a and quantization results to take larger R22 without any increment of image quality loss.Later compression reduces the entropy redundant furtherly. Since the optimized scan sequence makes distribution of the run-length codes more concentrative, it is of great advantage to enlarge entropy enco -ding ccH8pression ratio R3, UP to nowt the scan sequerlce widely used in ilaage corspression is the ZIG-WIG. It is also reeomended by the welllau>wn R E G .In the Qmtrix, used earlier period,the is0 -quantization level bands are perpendicular to the main diagonal line nf the quantization matrix. ZI G-ZAG scan sequence s h o w no difference with the non-decrease order of element values of the quantization matrix and looks clearly reasonable. But now in the widely used quantization aratrix, such as the Y-signal default quantization mtrix recorrrmended by the CCITf hereinafter called Y-matrix ) , ZIG-ZAG is perfect different with the non-decrease order of the eleroent values. Then whether and why it i s still the optimal Scan sequence needsatheoretical analysis and demonstrat ion. %is paper aim to build a probable model to estimate the image compression ratio of different scan sequence, to get an algorithm finding the optimal sequence automatically