How can repulsive and attractive forces, acting on a conservative system, create stable traveling patterns or branching instabilities? We have proposed to study this question in the framework of the hyperbolic Keller-Segel system with logistic sensitivity. This is a model system motivated by experiments on cell communities auto-organization, a field which is also called socio-biology. We continue earlier modeling work, where we have shown numerically that branching patterns arise for this system and we have analyzed this instability by formal asymptotics for small diffusivity of the chemo-repellent.Here we are interested in the more general situation, where the diffusivities of both the chemoattractant and the chemo-repellent are positive. To do so, we develop an appropriate functional analysis framework. We apply our method to two cases. Firstly we analyze steady states. Secondly we analyze traveling waves when neglecting the degradation coefficient of the chemo-repellent; the unique wave speed appears through a singularity cancelation which is the main theoretical difficulty. This shows that in different situations the cell density takes the shape of a plateau.The existence of steady states and traveling plateaus are a symptom of how rich the system is and why branching instabilities can occur. Numerical tests show that large plateaus may split into smaller ones, which remain stable.