Despite the importance of vision for spatial navigation, blind subjects retain the ability to represent spatial information and to move independently in space to localize and reach targets. However, the neural correlates of navigation in subjects lacking vision remain elusive. We therefore used functional MRI (fMRI) to explore the cortical network underlying successful navigation in blind subjects. We first trained congenitally blind and blindfolded sighted control subjects to perform a virtual navigation task with the tongue display unit (TDU), a tactile-to-vision sensory substitution device that translates a visual image into electrotactile stimulation applied to the tongue. After training, participants repeated the navigation task during fMRI. Although both groups successfully learned to use the TDU in the virtual navigation task, the brain activation patterns showed substantial differences. Blind but not blindfolded sighted control subjects activated the parahippocampus and visual cortex during navigation, areas that are recruited during topographical learning and spatial representation in sighted subjects. When the navigation task was performed under full vision in a second group of sighted participants, the activation pattern strongly resembled the one obtained in the blind when using the TDU. This suggests that in the absence of vision, cross-modal plasticity permits the recruitment of the same cortical network used for spatial navigation tasks in sighted subjects.cross-modal plasticity | parahippocampus | sensory substitution | spatial navigation | visual cortex T he ability to navigate efficiently in large-scale environments was always a predicate for human survival, now applied to the particular challenges of living in a modern, urban society. Visual cues signaling the location of landmarks play a key role in facilitating the formation of spatial cognitive maps used for path finding in a visual setting (1, 2). Despite the importance of vision in spatial cognition, the abilities to recognize a traveled route and to represent spatial information are maintained in blind individuals (3-5), probably through tactile, auditory, and olfactory cues, as well as motion-related cues arising from the vestibular and proprioceptive systems.During successful navigation, spatial information needs to be encoded and retrieved. The role of the hippocampus for navigation in large-scale environments has been amply demonstrated in both animal (6-8) and human studies (9-11). Besides the hippocampus, several other areas in the posterior mesial lobe and posterior parietal, occipital, and infero-temporal cortices also play an important role in navigation (9,(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17).The neural correlates of navigation in congenital blindness remain elusive, in part owing to the difficulty in testing navigational skills of blind subjects within the setting of a functional brain imaging study. To circumvent this difficulty, we trained blind and sighted subjects in a spatial navigation task using the tongue display unit (TDU), a vis...