Background: In the realm of sports nursing, emergent and innovative educational models are built upon the foundation of stakeholder engagement. Despite the fact that numerous studies have examined the stakeholder perspective in nursing, a greater number of studies have examined stakeholder perspectives in curricula that emphasize athletic nursing. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the viewpoints and concerns of relevant parties regarding the creation of a baccalaureate nursing program with a specific emphasis on sports nursing. Methods: A phenomenological study was conducted. This method combines descriptive features (Husserlian) and interpretive phenomenology (Gadamerian). Nineteen stakeholders participated in this study. The interview was ended when data saturation was reached, especially theme redundancy. Results: Three major themes were identified: (1) “Bridges” Which Combines Education And Work Context; (2) Stakeholder Engagement, Controversial Issues (3) Stakeholder Engagement, Structuring A Methodology. This finding shows that. Conclusion: The obligation of nursing education to align with current and future practice needs is emphasized, suggesting strategies such as curriculum mapping to bridge theoretical knowledge with clinical practice. Stakeholder engagement is crucial for successful education and professional development.
Keyword: Humans, Models, Educational, Stakeholder Participation, Curriculum, Education, Nursing, Health and Well-being, Quality Education