While traversing landscapes of tech-induced gentrification in Cluj, Romania, Silicon Valley Imperialism begins by illustrating convergent processes of Siliconization, property reprivatization, and racial banishment. It also investigates technological predation by Western companies that seek to capitalize on socialist remains. In presenting the book’s twin concepts of racial technocapitalism and Silicon Valley imperialism, this introduction helps articulate the modes through which anticommunism tethers presocialist and postsocialist temporalities in attempting to displace possibilities of anticapitalist alterity. At the same time, it assesses the materialities, imaginaries, and analytics connecting Eastern Europe and California’s so-called Silicon Valley region. While such a tethering oftentimes manifests epistemological erasure, at times it also fosters conditions for new anti-imperial solidarities. To this end, the framework of unbecoming Silicon Valley is introduced, or practices that seek to undo Silicon aspirations and exploitations by engaging in the work of housing justice organizing, speculative worldmaking, technological deviancy, and anticapitalist knowledge production.