The social identity of women of Chinese descent (peranakan) in Dutch East Indies was affected by numerous aspects, which later developed into their consciousness about identity and environment. In the context of the women's movement, the diversity of social identity of these women of Chinese ancestry contributed to the dynamic development, as portrayed in a novel titled Bergerak? (Let us move?). Through social identity theory, organizational behavior and feminist literary criticism, especially Chandra Mohanty on intersection, this study aims to examine the social categories that affect the identity of women of Chinese descent and the author's on the problems of Chinese peranakan women in a novel titled Bergerak? The result of the study shows that the social identity of women of Chinese descent is influenced by the social categorization such as social and economic status, culture representation, and ideologies that are intertwined or intersected each other. Nevertheless, the author's criticism to the problems in the women's movement organization is also clouded by gender bias affecting the author's perspective on women's contribution to the organization.