Weak amenability of a weighted group algebra, or a Beurling algebra, is a long-standing open problem. The commutative case has been extensively investigated and fully characterized. We study the non-commutative case. Given a weight function ω on a locally compact group G, we characterize derivations from L 1 (G, ω) into its dual in terms of certain functions. Then we show that for a locally compact IN group G, if there is a non-zero continuous group homomorphism ϕ: G → C such that ϕ(x)/ω(x)ω(x −1 ) is bounded on G, then L 1 (G, ω) is not weakly amenable. Some useful criteria that rule out weak amenability of L 1 (G, ω) are established. Using them we show that for many polynomial type weights the weighted Heisenberg group algebra is not weakly amenable, neither is the weighted ax + b group algebra. We further study weighted quotient group algebra L 1