Key words p-Adic Colombeau-Egorov type algebra, product of Bruhat-Schwartz distributions (generalized functions), Fourier-transform, Vladimirov's pseudodifferential operator MSC (2000) 46Fxx, 46P05, 22E50The p-adic Colombeau-Egorov algebra of generalized functions on Q n p is constructed. For generalized functions the operations of multiplication, Fourier-transform, convolution, taking pointvalues are defined. The operations of (fractional) partial differentiation and (fractional) partial integration are introduced by the Vladimirov's pseudodifferential operator. The products of Bruhat-Schwartz distributions are well defined as elements of this algebra. In contrast to the "usual" Colombeau and Egorov C-theories, where generalized functions on R n are not determined by their pointvalues on R n , p-adic Colombeau-Egorov generalized functions are uniquely determined by their pointvalues on Q n p .