“…It is a well-known fact in classical Galois theory that if B ⊂ A is a finite Galois extension of fields with Galois group H, then A/B has a normal basis, i.e., there exists a ∈ A such that the set {x.a ; x ∈ H} is a basis for A over B. Generalizing finite Galois extension of fields, Kreimer and Takeuchi introduce in [13] the notion of H-Galois extension with normal basis, associated to a Hopf algebra H in a category of modules over a commutative ring, and in [10] Doi and Takeuchi show that there exists an equivalence between the notion of H-Galois extension with normal basis and the one of H-cleft extension for H. This result can be generalized to symmetric closed categories [11] and in [7] we find a more general formulation in the context of entwining structures that was extended to the weak setting in [2] by using the notion of weak C-cleft extensions defined in [1]. On the other hand, being A an algebra, C a coalgebra and Γ A H : C ⊗ A → A ⊗ C a morphism in a strict monoidal category with equalizers and coequalizers, such that (A, C, Γ A H ) is a weak entwining structure, we have introduced in [2] the notion of weak C-Galois extension with Grant MTM2013-43687-P: Homología, homotopía e invariantes categóricos en grupos yálgebras no asociativas.…”