In this work we principally study random walk on the supercritical infinite cluster for bond percolation on Z d . We prove a quenched functional central limit theorem for the walk when d ≥ 4. We also prove a similar result for random walk among i.i.d. random conductances along nearest neighbor edges of Z d , when d ≥ 1.
IntroductionConsider supercritical bond-percolation on Z d , d ≥ 2, and the simple random walk on the infinite cluster, which at each jump picks with equal probability one of the neighboring sites in the infinite cluster. Is it true that for a.e. configuration such that the origin belongs to the infinite cluster, the random walk starting at the origin exits a symmetric slab through either side with probability tending to 1 2 , as the width of the slab tends to infinity?We give in this work a positive answer to this question when d ≥ 4. This answer comes as a consequence of a more general quenched invariance principle for the walk on the supercritical infinite cluster, when d ≥ 4. We also discuss the related case of a walk evolving in a network of i.i.d. random conductances placed along nearest-neighbor edges of Z d . We are able to prove a quenched invariance principle in this situation, for general d ≥ 1. For partial results in this direction, we refer to Anshelevich-Khanin-Sinai [2], Boivin [5], Boivin-Depauw [6], Kozlov [19].Before discussing our results any further, we describe the models more precisely. We begin with random walk on the supercritical infinite cluster. We let B d stand for the set of nearest-neighbor bonds (or edges) on Z d , d ≥ 2, and = {0, 1} B d for the set of configurations. We denote by P the product measure on endowed with its canonical σ -algebra A, under which the canonical coordinates, ω(b), b ∈ B d , are Bernoulli variables with success probability p ∈ (0, 1). V. Sidoravicius: IMPA, Estrada Dona Castorina 110, Jardim Botanico, CEP 22460-320, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. e-mail: V. Sidoravicius would like to thank the FIM for financial support and hospitality during his multiple visits to ETH. His research was also partially supported by FAPERJ and CNPq. A.-S. Sznitman: