We analyze the amplification by the Aharonov-Albert-Vaidman weak quantum measurement on a Sagnac interferometer [P. B. Dixon et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 173601 (2009)] up to all orders of the coupling strength between the measured system and the measuring device. The amplifier transforms a small tilt of a mirror into a large transverse displacement of the laser beam. The conventional analysis has shown that the measured value is proportional to the weak value, so that the amplification can be made arbitrarily large in the cost of decreasing output laser intensity. It is shown that the measured displacement and the amplification factor are in fact not proportional to the weak value and rather vanish in the limit of infinitesimal output intensity. We derive the optimal overlap of the pre-and post-selected states with which the amplification become maximum. We also show that the nonlinear effects begin to arise in the performed experiments so that any improvements in the experiment, typically with an amplification greater than 100, should require the nonlinear theory in translating the observed value to the original displacement.Introduction.-The standard theory of measurement in quantum mechanics deals with the situation that one performes a measurement on a quantum state to obtain a measured value and the resulting state according to certain probabilitic laws. It was established by von Neumann [1] in the case of projective measurements and generalized later to non-projective measurements [2][3][4]. In experiments as well as in theory, weak measurements, where the system is weakly coupled with, hence weakly disturbed by, the measuring device, have been widely considered and have proved to be useful.Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman (AAV) [5] proposed a particular type of weak measurement which is characterized by the pre-and post-selection (PPS) of the system. One prepares the initial state |i of the system and that |Φ i of the device, and after a certain interaction between the system and the meter, one post-selects a state |f of the system and reads the meter value. If one measures an observable A of the system, one obtains the weak value