The properties of a supersolid state (SS) in quasi-one-dimensional dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate is studied, considering two possible mechanisms of realization-due to repulsive three-body atomic interactions and quantum fluctuations in the framework of the Lee-Huang-Yang theory. The role of both mechanisms in the formation of SS properties has been emphasized. The proposed theoretical model, based on minimization of the energy functional, allows evaluating the amplitude of the SS for an arbitrary set of parameters in the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation (eGPE). To explore the dynamics of the SS first we numerically construct its ground state in different settings, including periodic boundary conditions, box-like trap and parabolic potential, then impose a perturbation. In oscillations of the perturbed supersolid we observe the key manifestation of SS, namely the free flow of the superfluid fraction through the crystalline component of the system. Two distinct oscillation frequencies of the supersolid associated with the superfluid fraction and crystalline components of the wave function are identified from numerical simulations of the eGPE.