We study numerically the form of the critical line in the disorder-magnetic field phase diagram of the p-q network model, constructed to study the levitation of extended states at weak magnetic fields. We use oneparameter scaling, keeping either q (related to magnetic field) or p (related to energy) constant, to calculate two critical exponents, describing the divergence of the localization length in each case. The ratio of those two exponents defines the form of the critical line close to zero magnetic field. The levitation scenario, describing the divergence of extended state energy at zero magnetic field, was proposed by Khmelnitskii in 1984 [1]. It was introduced to reconcile the result of the scaling theory for 2d systems [2], that there are no extended states, and the necessity of a delocalized state for a quantum Hall (QH) transition [3]. Several approaches to prove that conjecture were performed during last 25 years experimentally, numerically and analytically (see [4] and references therein for more details), resulting only in establishing the tendency of the extended states energy to increase with the decrease of magnetic field. In order to describe the motion of electron at really low magnetic field one has to allow backscattering which immediately breaks the chirality of the Chalker-Coddington (CC) network model [5], constructed to study inter-plateaux QH transitions in strong magnetic field. It was achieved in the p-q network model [6] with point contacts on the links describing the backscattering by disorder and bendjunctions at the nodes describing the orbital action of magnetic field. It was demonstrated that, in restricted geometry, electron motion reduces to two CC networks, with opposite directions of propagation along the links, which are weakly coupled by disorder. Interplay of backscattering and bending results in the quantum Hall transition in a non-quantizing magnetic field, which decreases with increasing mobility. This is in accord with scenario of floating up delocalized states.The main goal of that model was to separate in space the regions with phase action of magnetic field, where it affects interference in course of multiple disorder scattering, and the regions with orbital action of magnetic field, where it bends electron trajectories. In p-q model, the disorder mixes counter-propagating channels on the links (the probability of backscattering is p ), while scattering matrices at the nodes describe exclusively the bending of electron trajectories (magnetic field is proportional to (1/ 2 ) q − ). The form of the disorder-magnetic field phase diagram was predicted (see Fig. 1) and checked numerically. This diagram contains the regions with and without edge states, i.e., the regions with zero and quantized Hall conductivities. Taking into account that, for a given disor- (2) show two lines to approach a critical point of infinite energy at zero magnetic field, studied in this paper.