Given a poset P and a standard closure operator Γ : ℘(P ) → ℘(P ) we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the lattice of Γ-closed sets of ℘(P ) to be a frame in terms of the recursive construction of the Γ-closure of sets. We use this condition to show that given a set U of distinguished joins from P , the lattice of U-ideals of P fails to be a frame if and only if it fails to be σ-distributive, with σ depending on the cardinalities of sets in U. From this we deduce that if a poset has the property that whenever a ∧ (b ∨ c) is defined for a, b, c ∈ P it is necessarily equal to (a ∧ b) ∨ (a ∧ c), then it has an (ω, 3)-representation. This answers a question from the literature.