Let R be a commutative ring, S a multiplicative subset of R and M an
R-module. We say that M satisfies weakly S-stationary on ascending chains of
submodules (w-ACCS on submodules or weakly S-Noetherian) if for every
ascending chain M1 ? M2 ? M3 ? ... of submodules of M, there exists k ? N
such that for each n ? k, snMn ? Mk for some sn ? S. In this paper, we
investigate modules (respectively, rings) with w-ACCS on submodules
(respectively, ideals). We prove that if R satisfies w-ACCS on ideals, then
R is a Goldie ring. Also, we prove that a semilocal commutative ring with
w-ACCS on ideals have a finite number of minimal prime ideals. This extended
a classical well known result of Noetherian rings.