ReportReports are the most authoritative and most carefully considaMe products IDA publishes. They normally embady results of major projects which (a) have a direct bbaring oll decisions affecting major ptograms. in) address Issues of significant concern to the Executive Branch, theS Congress anti/or tihe public, or (c) address Issues that haveI * signilcant economic imnpi'cations. IDA Reports are reviewed by outside panels of experts to ensure thaetr high quality and relevance to the problems studied, and they are released by the President of IDA.
Group ReportsU-JGroup Reports record the findings and results of IDA established workir.g groups and panels composed of senior Individuals addressing major Issues which otherwise would be tire subject of as IDA Report. IDA Group Reports ore reviewed by the senior Individuals responsihie for the project and others as selected by IDA to ensure their high quality and retevtnce to the problems studied, and are released by the President of IDA.