In this study, the composition of a brake friction material was experimentally investigated with respect to the effects of the proportions of organic (cashew dust) and ceramic (ZrSiO4 and Fe2O3) based ingredients on the tribological properties. The tribological properties of the friction materials were evaluated using a Chase-type friction tester. The effect of the ingredient proportions on the wear resistance and friction stability were obtained in relation to the test temperature and the number of brakings. A scanning electron microscope was used to study the effect of braking on the sliding surface of the friction material. Results showed that the complementary nature of the organic-and ceramic-based ingredients provided the optimum friction behaviour, such as the coefficient of friction stability and the wear resistance. Keywords: sliding friction, brakes/clutches, wear testing, electron microscopy V {tudiji je bila eksperimentalno preiskovana sestava materiala za torne zavorne obloge, glede na razmerje organskih (prah indijskih ore{~kov) in kerami~nih sestavin na osnovi ZrSiO4 in Fe2O3 ter na tribolo{ke lastnosti. Tribolo{ke lastnosti tornih materialov so bile ocenjene z uporabo preizku{evalca trenja vrste Chase. Vpliv razmerja sestavin na odpornost proti obrabi in stabilnost trenja je bil ugotovljen glede na temperaturo preizkusa in {tevilo zaviranj. Vrsti~ni elektronski mikroskop je bil uporabljen za {tudij u~inka zaviranja na torni povr{ini tornega materiala. Rezultati so pokazali, da komplementarna narava sestavin na organski in kerami~ni osnovi, zagotavlja optimalno obna{anje pri trenju kot sta koeficient stabilnega trenja in odpornost na obrabo. Klju~ne besede: drsno trenje, zavore/sklopke, preizku{anje obrabe, elektronska mikroskopija