In order to identify the mechanism of the processes responsible for the formation of the properties of deposited steels of type 15N4М2D2G2AYuF and 20N4М2D2G2YuF, we studied the patterns of formation of their structure and phase composition as a result of heat treatment. The analysis of the results made it possible to recommend tempering at the temperature of 550 °C for two hours as the main mode of heat treatment of these steels. The development of the properties and structure of the deposited steel of the presented type is the result of multi-step interaction of several hardening mechanisms. The main role in the formation of the structure and properties is played by martensitic transformations, as well as solid-solution hardening by interstitial and substitutive atoms. At the first stage, the hardening is caused by the deposition of dispersed intermetallic compounds and carbides. In addition, dispersed particles of intermetallic phases are released at the early stages of aging and slow down the annihilation of dislocations in the matrix. With longer aging, carbides deposited at fixed dislocations contribute to hardening.