Convective cloud development during the Indian monsoon helps moisten the atmospheric environment and drive the monsoon trough northwards each year, bringing a large amount of India's annual rainfall. Therefore, an increased understanding of how monsoon convection develops from observations will help inform model development. In this study, 139 days of India Meteorological Department Doppler weather radar data is analyzed for seven sites across India during the 2016 monsoon season. Convective cell‐top heights (CTHs) are objectively identified through the season, and compared with near‐surface (at 2 km height) reflectivity. These variables are analyzed over three time scales of variability during the monsoon: monsoon progression on a month‐by‐month basis, active‐break periods and the diurnal cycle. We find a modal maximum in CTH around 6–8 km for all sites. Cell‐averaged reflectivity increases with CTH, at first sharply, then less sharply above the freezing level. Bhopal and Mumbai exhibit lower CTH for monsoon break periods compared to active periods. A clear diurnal cycle in CTH is seen at all sites except Mumbai. For south‐eastern India, the phase of the diurnal cycle depends on whether the surface is land or ocean, with the frequency of oceanic cells typically exhibiting an earlier morning peak compared to land, consistent with the diurnal cycle of precipitation. Our findings confirm that Indian monsoon convective regimes are partly regulated by the large‐scale synoptic environment within which they are embedded. This demonstrates the excellent potential for weather radars to improve understanding of convection in tropical regions.