Purpose: This study was done to identify self-directed learning readiness, achievement goal orientations, learning satisfaction and learning achievement, and to evaluate the factors affecting learning achievement for nursing students using a web-based Health Assessment e-Book. Methods: The research design was a cross-sectional study with a structured questionnaire and data were collected before using the web-based Health Assessment e-Book and 1 week after finishing. The participants were 80 nursing students who were taking the Health Assessment class from March to June 2009. Results: Mean score for subjective learning achievement was 31.26 and for objective learning achievement, 69.25. Subjective and objective learning achievement were positively correlated with self-directed learning readiness, mastery goal, attitude toward distance education, and learning satisfaction. In subjective learning achievement, learning satisfaction and mastery goal were significant predictive factors and explained 64% of the variance. Objective learning achievement was significantly predicted by learning satisfaction and self-directed learning readiness, which explained 24% of the variance. Conclusion: Learning satisfaction, mastery goal and self-directed learning readiness were found to be very important factors associated with learning achievement for nursing students using a web-based Health Assessment e-Book. To provide high quality and effective web-based courses and to improve nursing students' learning achievement and learning satisfaction, educators should consider the learner's characteristics from the initial stages of lecture planning.