This paper presents a potential application of 2. Related Works Granular Computing approach to the web-based learning support system (WLSS). In particular, we Many researches have been done on web-based examine the main functions and characteristics ofsuch education. They range from education point view, systems and the granulation aspects associated with philosophical point view, psychological point view, the systems. Issues of contents granulation, domain and pedagogical design point view. However, there are knowledge granulation, interface granulation, and few web-based learning support systems designed from student modeling granulation are discussed in detail. granular computing point view. Vasilakos et al [2] We report our experience in the design and reviewed computational intelligence in web-based implementation of a prototype of granular computing education, and found that lots of research groups have approach to a web-based learning support system. put a lot of efforts in developing methodologies, approaches, tools, and practical systems to support the web-based education. However, there has been little Proc. 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI'07)