In the past decade, memorization and teacher-centered instruction were typically valued and practiced in Chinese English language teaching (ELT). Regarding the professional development training, the workshops are usually not only provided in single or half-day sessions lectured by an expert or experienced teachers, but also often lacking in focus and do not provide enough depth in any one particular area of teaching disciplines. Yet, teachers' professional growth requires long-term training and a series of processes and activities, so the teachers might, in turn, improve students' learning achievements. Concomitantly, along with taking advantage of increased Internet access, many institutions use technological tool, such as information and communication technologies (ICTs), to develop and create accessible professional learning and training activities for teachers. Faced with rapid change in ICTs and demands calling for highly qualified teachers, educators must be involved in continuous learning through and withICTs and e-learning professional development. New Web-based professional development can support developmental and innovative approaches to English as a foreign/second language (EFL/ESL) professional practice which helps English language instructors build and apply their knowledge, collaborate with fellow EFL/ESL teachers, and to reflect on classroom practices. The paper presents a model for English language instructors and teacher education instructors regarding the possibilities of using Web-based professional development opportunities.Keywords: English as a foreign/second language (EFL/ESL), teachers' professional development, Web-based environment, online community