Abstract. We present jETI, a redesign of the Electronic Tools Integration platform (ETI), that addresses the major issues and concerns accumulated over seven years of experience with tool providers, tool users and students. Most important was here the reduction of the effort for integrating and updating tools. jETI combines Eclipse with Web Services functionality in order to provide (1) lightweight remote component (tool) integration, (2) distributed component (tool) libraries, (3) a graphical coordination environment, and (4) a distributed execution environment. These features will be illustrated in the course of building and executing remote heterogeneous tool sequences.
MotivationThe Electronic Tool Integration platform (ETI) [10] is an online platform specifically designed to support the distributed use of and experimentation with tools over the internet. Born in 1996 and online since early 1997, it offered a unique service to tool providers and users: its solution for the remote execution of tools and the internet-based administration of user-specific home areas on the ETI server was well ahead of the technology of those times. Since then, users can -retrieve information about the tools, -execute tools in stand-alone mode, or -combine functionalities of different tools to obtain sequential programs called coordination sequences and run them in tool-coordination mode.In particular, ETI is unique in allowing users to combine functionalities of tools of different application domains to solve problems a single tool never would be able to tackle. Obviously, the richness of the tool repository plays a crucial role in the success of ETI: the benefit gained from our experimentation and coordination facilities grows with the amount and variety of integrated software-tools. The success of the ETI concept is thus highly sensitive to the process and costs of tool integration and tool maintenance.In this paper we show how, taking advantage of newer technologies that internally base on Web Services and Java technology, we can N.