In this paper, we propose a new constraint to select materialized webviews. The webview materialization is a term used to represent the transformation of dynamic web data into equivalent static web data. That is the creation of a static instance of a dynamic web page, at a certain point in time. Our new selection constraint consists of limiting the number of sources of materialized webviews. Our first aim is to reduce the update frequency of the materialized webview. This will decrease the access cost to the data sources which may be distant. Secondly, we aim to guarantee the stability of the profit and the materialization load of the materialization plan (the set of materialized webviews) during the selection period. That is we will reduce the probability of early violation of the selection constraints or early materialization loss of the selected plan. Our experiment results show that for small values of the source constraint, our approach can improve the average profit of materialization by more than 15%. Also, when the number of candidate webviews is high, the query response time is improved by applying our solution.
General TermsManagement, Measurement, Performance.