Customer segmentation is key to a corporate decision support system. It is an important marketing technique that can target specific client categories. We create a novel consumer segmentation technique based on a clustering ensemble; in this stage, we ensemble four fundamental clustering models: DBSCAN, K-means, Mini Batch K-means, and Mean Shift, to deliver a consistent and high-quality conclusion. Then, we use spectral clustering to integrate numerous clustering findings and increase clustering quality. The new technique is more flexible with client data. Feature engineering cleans, processes, and transforms raw data into features. These traits are then used to form clusters. Adjust Rand Index (ARI), Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), Dunn's Index (DI), and Silhouette Coefficient (SC) were utilized to evaluate our model's performances with individual clustering approaches. The experimental analysis found that our model has the best ARI (70.14%), NMI (71.75), DI (75.15), and SC (72.89%). After retaining these results, we applied our model to an actual dataset obtained from Moroccan citizens via social networks and email boxes between 03/06/2022 and 19/08/2022.