Tank-mixing herbicides can increase the efficiency of weed control on soybean cultivation. The purpose of this study was to acquire the proper dose of pendimethalin and sulfentrazone both alone and in mixture to control weeds on soybean farming. It was conducted from July to September 2019 at Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Syiah Kuala, employing non-Factorial Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) comprising different doses of herbicides: control, pendimethalin 1500 g a.i/ha, sulfentrazone 1500 g a.i/ha, pendimethalin 750 g a.i/ha + sulfentrazone 750 g a.i/ha, pendimethalin 1000 g a.i/ha + sulfentrazone 1000 g a.i/ha, pendimethalin 500 g a.i/ha + sulfentrazone 1000 g a.i/ha, pendimethalin 1000 g a.i/ha + sulfentrazone 500 g a.i/ha and pendimethalin 500 g a.i/ha + sulfentrazone 500 g a.i/ha. The variables observed were weed control percentage, weed species, number of weeds, and weed dry weight. The results showed that the application of pendimethalin 500 g a.i/ha together with sulfentrazone 500 g a.i/ha has increased weed control percentage and decrease weed species, number of weeds and weed dry weight.