A field experiment was conducted at Rice Research Centre, Agriculture Research Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during kharif, (2022) to assess the post emergence herbicide efficacy for drone spraying in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.). The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with 7 treatments and replicated thrice. Results revealed that among different doses of herbicidal treatments, post emergence application of penoxsulam 1.02% + cyhalofop-butyl 5.1% OD @ 180 g a.i ha-1using drone recorded highest number of tillers at harvest, plant height at harvest, number of panicles at harvest, grain yield and low weed dry matter at 60 DAT. It was statistically on par with application of penoxsulam 1.02% + cyhalofop-butyl 5.1% OD @ 120 g a.i ha-1 using knapsack sprayer, application of penoxsulam 1.02% + cyhalofop-butyl 5.1% OD @ 150 g a.i ha-1 using drone, and application of penoxsulam 1.02% + cyhalofop-butyl 5.1% OD @ 120 g a.i ha-1 using drone followed by application of penoxsulam 1.02% + cyhalofop-butyl 5.1% OD @ 90 g a.i ha-1 using drone followed by unweeded control.