The Green Revolution was foundational to modern agriculture and relied heavily on both genetics and elite cultivars improved for yield, and environmental control of field conditions (till, irrigation, fertilizers and weeds, pathogen and pest control via biocides). While the Green Revolution was a keystone in achieving food security in the face of an increasing global population, it also translated into a diverse array of issues pertaining to environmental degradation and deforestation (Carter et al., 2017), overuse of synthetic chemicals (Schreinemachers & Tipraqsa, 2012), carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas effects (Stavi & Lal, 2013) and negative impacts on both agrodiversity and biodiversity (Dudley & Alexander, 2017). Current trends in agricultural developments are thus focused on mitigating these negative impacts while trying to improve yield and maintain food security.Avenues of research towards more sustainable agricultural systems are numerous and often revolve around the greatest weaknesses of the Green Revolution: targeting ecological interactions for improved productivity and increased resilience, even at landscape levels (Petit et al., 2020). Indeed, favourable prospects for the use of such interactions are documented throughout the literature (Gaba et al., 2015). They typically involve many levels, from soil-based interactions involving soil microbiota (e.g., Nkongolo & Narendrula-Kotha, 2020), tripartite soil-plant interactions (namely intercropping, e.g., Tilman, 2020) and biomass cycling and increased soil health and fertilization (Espie & Ridgway, 2020). They may also rely on crop diversity as a way to control disease spread