“…39 Chinese clients will be expected to have more yuans instead 36 Sumeet Chatterjee, -Exclusive: China Agrees Taking First Step to Pay For Oil in Yuan this Year,‖ Reuters, (29 March, 2018) https://www.reuters.com/article/uschina-oil-yuan-exclusive-idUSKBN1H51FA 37 Damon Evans, -China Sees New World Order with Oil Benchmarks Backed by Gold,‖ Nikkei Asia, (1 September 2017) https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Chinasees-new-world-order-with-oil-benchmark-backed-by-gold Also Rajesh Bhayani, -China to Bring Back Gold in International Settlement with New Oil Futures,‖ September 2017, Business Standard, https://www.businessstandard.com/article/international/china-to-bring-back-gold-in-internationalsettlement-with-new-oil-futures-117092500288_1.html 38 Sam Meredith, -China will ‗Compel' Saudi Arabia to Trade in yuanand That's going to affect the US dollar,‖ CNBC, (11 October 2017), https://www.cnbc.com/2017/10/11/china-will-compel-saudi-arabia-to-trade-oil-inyuan--and-thats-going-to-affect-the-us-dollar.html 39 -Saudi Aramco Agrees to JV Deals for $10bn Refinery,‖ Arabian Business, (22 February 2019) https://www.arabianbusiness.com/industries/energy/413815-saudiaramco-agrees-chinese-jv-deal-for-10bn-refinery of dollars 40 and the pattern of global commodity consumption may be expected to move towards a purchase of Chinese commodities and technologies; and similar to the US's earlier experience the surplus will be reinvested in China's real estate, stocks, Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) as well as the growing international defence industry which continues to generate profits through extensive dual-embeddedness and reverseengineering innovations, paving room for further investments, production, sales and surplus creation. 41 However, this will also mean for China to provide equal opportunity and freedom to foreign investors. South Asian states are likely to face tremendous challenges as a result of these new economic dynamics.…”