We consider the component problem on the sets of weighted composition operators on the spaces of bounded harmonic and analytic functions on the open unit disk with the operator norms, respectively. Especially, we shall determine path connected components in the sets of noncompact weighted composition operators. u(z) = ∂D u(e iθ)P z (e iθ) dm(e iθ) for z ∈ D, where P z is the Poisson kernel for the point z ∈ D and m is the normalized Lebesgue measure on ∂D. Then u ∈ h ∞. Besides, for f ∈ h ∞ , f * = f on D. Let S(D) be the set of analytic self-maps of D. For each ϕ ∈ S(D), we may define the composition operator C ϕ by C ϕ f = f •ϕ, where f is analytic on D. Composition operators on various analytic function spaces have been studied extensively during the past few decades. See [2, 14] for an overview of these results. Presently, some of the open questions in this field are related to the topological structure of the set of composition operators. For even f ∈ h ∞ , C ϕ f = f • ϕ is also harmonic on D. So the question of properties of C ϕ on h ∞ naturally arises. In [1], Choa and the first and third authors first considered properties of composition operators on h ∞ and, although h ∞ is not algebra, introduced the concept of weighted composition operators M u C ϕ on h ∞ defined by (M u C ϕ f)(z) = ∂D u(e iθ)(f • ϕ) * (e iθ)P z (e iθ) dm(e iθ)