In Shell, asset professionals use advanced technologies and processes for field management and optimising production performance. Real time monitoring of wells and compressors has become the norm, delivering higher uptime and increased production. Asset teams use visual information on hundreds of wells and their facilities using a web-based portal. The wells and facilities with events or deviations, i.e. exceptions, are highlighted, enabling the staff to focus on fixing the critical wells and facilities. The information is brought together in Collaborative Work Environments with video connection to streamline the communication between field and office and speed up decision making.
Shell has implemented these capabilities in a number of assets around the world, for example in Oman, Russia, Brunei, UK and Gulf of Mexico. The people side is a large part of the attention, during the implementation and for sustainability of the solutions. Awareness sessions, training, local ownership, feedback sessions, coaching and regular reviews are part of the embedding activities.
The paper describes the capabilities and the benefits, and illustrates this with a field case from Salym in Russia. This includes the approach to change management and learning from both the project and the embedding phase. The benefits include HSE improvements (less travel exposure), increased production and reduced operating cost.