“…we have already proved the statements 1 and 2 of Theorem 1.2.Now, we turn to the third statement of Theorem 1.2. For the first result, since (u k , θ k ) converges stronglyto (u, θ) in (L 2 ([0, T * ],Ḣ 1 ))2 , then by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality it converges weakly for almost every andd dt v k d dt u weakly in L 2 ([0, T * ],Ḣ −2 (T 3 )), as k → +∞.Let Λ ∈Ḣ 2 be a vector divergence free and Ξ ∈ L 2 a scaler test functions. Taking the inner product andintegrating over [0, t], for t ∈ [0, T * ], we obtain θ k (t), Ξ − θ k (0), Ξ − t (u k , θ k ), Ξ dτ = 0, v k (t), Λ − v k (0), Λ − t (u k , v k ), Λ dτ − t Λ dτ = 0.To handle the nonlinear terms, we use a standard compactness argument (thanks to the uniform boundsobtained with respect to α k above) so thatB(u k , v k ) → B(u, u) and B(u k , θ k ) → B(u, θ).…”