In Part XII, composed of Chapters 56 to 63, we study the finite element approximation of PDEs where a coercivity property is not available, so that the analysis solely relies on inf-sup conditions. Stability can be obtained by employing various stabilization techniques (residual-based or fluctuation-based). In the present chapter, we introduce the prototypical model problem we are going to work on: it is a system of first-order linear PDEs introduced in 1958 by Friedrichs [131]. This system enjoys symmetry and positivity properties and is often referred to in the literature as Friedrichs' system. Friedrichs wanted to handle within a single functional framework PDEs that are partly elliptic and partly hyperbolic, and for this purpose he developed a formalism that goes beyond the traditional classification of PDEs into elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic types. Friedrichs' formalism is very powerful and encompasses several model problems. Important examples are the advection-reaction equation, the div-grad problem related to Darcy's equations, and the curl-curl problem related to Maxwell's equations. This theory will be used systematically in the following chapters. All the theoretical arguments in this chapter are presented assuming that the functions are complex-valued. The real-valued case can be obtained by replacing the field C by R, by replacing the Hermitian transpose Z H by the transpose Z T , and by removing the real part symbol ℜ.
Basic ideasLet D be a Lipschitz domain in R d . We consider functions defined on D with values in C m for some integer m ≥ 1. The (Hermitian) inner product inWe denote by I m the identity matrix in C m×m .M , we observe that u − I h0 (u) ∈ V 0 . Using (56.26), we infer that for all v ∈ V 0 = ker(M − N ),with φ := max(ℓ * , µ 0 h). If the boundary of D is not smooth and/or if the coefficients σ, µ are discontinuous, it is in general preferable to use H(curl)-conforming finite element subspaces based on edge elements (see Chapter 15) instead of using H 1 -conforming finite element subspaces; see §45.4.