Fifty-two intensive care unit (ICU) patients with clinical signs of sepsis who were considered to be at extremely high risk for operation were subjected to CT-guided interventions. Bedside ultrasound (US) had been performed prior to CT in all patients but diagnoses were equivocal or US-guided interventions had failed. Nineteen patients solely underwent CT-guided diagnostic aspiration of fluid collec tions to rule out infection. Eighteen patients (72%) with abscess formations after surgery or trauma were cured by catheter drainage alone; 4 patients required additional surgery. Out of 8 patients suffering from acute pancreatitis (after several necrosectomies), abs cesses could be cured in 5 (62.5%). Three patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (no surgery) were not cured by the interventional procedure and all required surgical debridement. Even patients who required additional surgery after drainage improved clinically after the interventional radiologie procedure. Our overall success rate was 64%, emphasizing the need for CT in the case of equivocal US results or if US-guided procedures have failed in ICU patients with signs of sepsis.