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British Library Cataloguing in Publication DataQueer methods and methodologies : intersecting queer theories and social science research. Language (2004), and the author of a number journal publications. at irvine, he is a Core Faculty member for the Culture and theory Ph.d. program, as well as a Program Faculty member for the arts, Computation, and engineering graduate program. he sits on the advisory boards of two community-based hiV/aids organisations in indonesia.Kath Browne is a senior lecturer in the university of Brighton. she is the coauthor of Queer Spiritual Spaces and co-editor of Geographies of Sexualities: Theory, Practices and Politics. Her work spans and intersects the areas of geographies, sexualities, genders, methodologies and social engagements. in 2007 Kath was awarded the gill Memorial award from the royal geographical society/institute of British geographers recognising young researchers who have shown great potential. Kath has written over 40 publications across a range of disciplines using diverse formats, and is completing the Community-university research project Count Me In Too. Kath sat on the (UK) National Statistics Office expert research group advising on the development of questions regarding sexual identity in [2006][2007][2008][2009].
Queer Methods and Methodologies viiiMichael Connors Jackman is a Ph.D. candidate in Social Anthropology at York university. his doctoral research focuses on affective experience, queer publics, and activism in Canada in connection with The Body Politic, a toronto-based gay liberation magazine published by Pink Triangle Press from [1971][1972][1973][1974][1975][1976][1977][1978][1979][1980][1981][1982][1983][1984][1985][1986][1987]. His Master's thesis at Memorial university of newfoundland, 'get out of the garden: AIDS, Art, Politics and the Queerness of Identity', is the product of the field experiences described in his contribution to this volume.Ann Cronin is a lecturer in sociology at the university of surrey where she teaches courses in social theory, qualitative methods and gender and sexuality studies. her research interests include the interaction between gender, sexuality and ageing, narrative analysis and the sociology of storytelling, integration methodologies and sociological theory. Building on earlier research, which explored the social networks of older lesbian women, she has recently completed, with Andrew King, a study examining the social and health care needs of older lgBt adults living in an inner city borough. she is lead coordinator of the european sociological Association Sexuality Research Network.Ulrika Dahl is senior lecturer and Chair of gender studies at södertörn University in Stockholm. She is the author (with Del LaGrace Volcano) of Femmes of Power: Exploding Queer Femininities (2008) and Skamgrepp, (forthcoming) her collection of essays on feminism, queer com...