The last decade in oceanography has seen rapid advances in both in situ and remote instrumentation which have provided new insight into the physics of the sea. Satelliteborne instruments have been especially valuable in revealing complexities of the surface layer through infrared and multispectral imagery, precise global tracking of surface drifter fields, altimetric measurements of sea surface height, and radar observations of wind and wave patterns. This flood of information has opened new avenues of research and, in so doing, has significantly altered some of our conceptions of the general oceanic circulation.
With improved observational techniques has come an appreciation of the highly variable nature of oceanic phenomena. This variability occurs on a wide range of scales, from microstructure to basinwide events, but particular attention has been directed toward the mesoscale. Current meanders, ring vortices, and midocean eddies comprise the ocean mesoscale variability, collectively known as the eddy field. The existence of oceanic eddies is not surprising, considering their well‐documented counterparts, the storms and weather patterns of the atmosphere. Yet their role in the maintenance of the general circulation is far from clear, and numerous expeditions have been dedicated to their exploration. Because these eddying motions often contain energy significantly greater than the mean flow itself, determination of eddy intensity and distribution is a necessary key to understanding global ocean dynamics.