A. Supporting Experimental Details. Surfaces. Wafers were cut with a diamondtipped scribe to the desired size and then rinsed sequentially with water, methanol (≥99.8%, EMD), acetone (≥99.5%, EMD), methanol, and water. Organic contaminants were removed and the surfaces were oxidized by immersing the wafers in a freshly prepared piranha solution (1:3 v/v of 30% H 2 O 2 (aq) (EMD): 18 M H 2 SO 4 (EMD)) at 90-95 °C for 10-15 min. The wafers were rinsed with copious amounts of water and immersed in buffered HF(aq) (semiconductor grade, Transene Co., Inc.) for 18 s followed by another water rinse. Atomically flat H-Si (111) surfaces were prepared by immersing the wafers in an Ar(g)-purged solution of NH 4 F(aq).
Preparation of Atomically
1-2Wafers with a miscut angle of 0.5° were etched for 5.5 min, while wafers with a miscut angle of 0.1° were etched for 9.0 min to obtain optimal terrace size. The solution was purged throughout the etching process and the wafers were agitated after each minute of etching to remove bubbles S2 that formed on the surface. After etching, the wafers were rinsed with water and dried under a stream of Ar(g). Surfaces. Cl-Si(111) surfaces were prepared inside a N 2 (g)-purged glovebox with <10 ppm O 2 . A saturated solution of PCl 5 (≥99.998% metal basis, Alfa Aesar) in chlorobenzene (anhydrous, ≥99.8%, Sigma-Aldrich) was preheated with an initiating amount (<1 mg mL -1 ) of benzoyl peroxide (≥98%, Sigma-Aldrich) for 1-2 min. The H-Si (111) wafers were rinsed with chlorobenzene and then reacted in the PCl 5 solution at 90 ± 2 °C for 45 min. 1,3 Upon completion of the reaction, the solution was drained and the wafers were rinsed with copious amounts of chlorobenzene, followed by tetrahydrofuran (THF, anhydrous, inhibitor-free, ≥99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich). Surfaces. Br-Si(111) surfaces were prepared by reaction under ambient light at 22 °C of H-Si(111) with Br 2 (g) in a drying chamber connected to a vacuum line as well as to a reservoir of Br 2 (l). Immediately after anisotropic etching, H-Si (111) samples were placed inside the drying chamber, which was then evacuated to <20 mTorr. The sample was sealed under vacuum and the Br 2 (l) reservoir was quickly opened and closed to allow a visible amount of Br 2 (g) into the evacuated drying chamber. The reaction was allowed to proceed for 10 s, after which the Br 2 (g) was removed by vacuum to a pressure of <20 mTorr.
Preparation of
Preparation of of
2, 4The sample was sealed under vacuum and transferred to a N 2 (g)-purged glovebox.B. Supporting Instrumentation Details.
Transmission Infrared Spectroscopy.A custom attachment allowed Si samples (1.3 × 3.2 cm) to be mounted such that the incident IR beam was either 74° or 30° with respect to the sample surface normal. At 74° (Brewster's angle for Si), IR modes parallel and perpendicular to the surface are observed, and at 30°, parallel modes remain visible, while perpendicular modes S3 are greatly diminished in intensity. 5 Reported spectra are averages of 1500 consecutive scans collected at a resolu...