The impact of ionic
association with the carbonate surface and
its influence toward carbonate wettability remains unclear and is
an important topic of interest in the current literature. In this
work, a triple layer model (TLM) approach was used to capture the
electrokinetic interactions at both calcite–brine and oil–brine
interfaces. The developed TLM was assembled against measured ζ-potential
values from the literature, successfully capturing the trends and
closely matching the ζ-potential magnitudes. The developed TLM
was compared to a diffused layer model (DLM) presented in previous
works, with the DLM showing a better match to the ζ-potential
values for seawater brine solutions. The ζ-potential values
predicted from both surface complexation models (SCMs) were used to
calculate the total interaction energy (or potential) based on the
Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and Overbeek (DLVO) theory. It was observed
that low Mg
and high SO
concentrations in modified composition brine (MCB) made the calcite–brine
interface more negative. However, at the oil–brine interface,
low Mg
made the oil–brine interface more negative
but high SO
concentrations slightly
shifted the oil–brine ζ-potential toward negative. At
the crude oil–brine–rock (COBR) interfaces, low Mg
and high SO
in the MCB were observed to generate a greater repulsive interaction
energy, which could trigger carbonate wettability alteration toward
water wetness. The absolute sum of the ζ-potential at both interfaces
was observed to be correlated to the total interaction potential at
a 0.25 nm separating distance. Thus, an increase in the absolute sum
of the ζ-potentials would generate a greater repulsive interaction
potential and trigger wettability alteration. Therefore, these SCMs
can be applied to design modified composition brine capable of triggering
a repulsive interaction energy to alter carbonate wettability toward
water wetness.