“…Some research indicated an enhanced hydrologic and erosive response with ash‐covered soils (Bodí, Doerr, Cerdà, & Mataix‐Solera, ; León, Bodí, Cerdà, & Badía, ; Woods & Balfour, ), but in a nutshell, the majority have found that an ash layer can reduce postfire runoff and associated soil losses, at least during initial rainfall events (Cerdà & Doerr, ; Jordán et al, ; Larsen et al, ; Leighton‐Boyce, Doerr, Shakesby, & Walsh, ; Woods & Balfour, ; Zavala, Jordán, Gil, Bellinfante, & Pain, ). Under field conditions, however, this role of the ash layer may easily be confounded with that of other soil surface components, such as litter (e.g., needle cast from scorched pine crowns) and stones.…”