Colloidal particles equipped with platinum patches can establish chemical gradients in H 2 O 2 -enriched solutions and undergo self-propulsion due to local diffusiophoretic migration. In bulk (3D), this class of active particles swim in the direction of the surface heterogeneities introduced by the patches and consequently reorient with the characteristic rotational diffusion time of the colloids. In this article, we present experimental and numerical evidence that planar 2D confinements defy this simple picture. Instead, the motion of active particles both on solid substrates and at flat liquid-liquid interfaces is captured by a 2D active Brownian motion model, in which rotational and translational motion are constrained in the xy-plane. This leads to an active motion that does not follow the direction of the surface heterogeneities and to timescales of reorientation that do not match the free rotational diffusion times. Furthermore, 2D-confinement at fluid-fluid interfaces gives rise to a unique distribution of swimming velocities: the patchy colloids uptake two main orientations leading to two particle populations with velocities that differ up to one order of magnitude. Our results shed new light on the behavior of active colloids in 2D, which is of interest for modeling and applications where confinements are present.
Main textSelf-propelling colloidal particles, originally inspired to mimic living microorganims, offer exciting opportunities to engineer smart active materials [1]. Amongst them, catalytic microswimmers have for instance been realized using Janus particles [2][3][4][5]. These are colloidal particles (e.g., silica spheres) equipped with a surface patch (e.g., a platinum coating) that can catalyze the chemical reaction of a 'fuel' present in the medium (e.g., H 2 O 2 decomposed into H 2 O and O 2 ), leading to an asymmetric chemical gradient around the particles and subsequent propulsion by phoretic forces [6].The magnitude of the swimming velocity for a single particle, V, is given by the local fuel concentration [2]. The direction of motion is along the asymmetry axis of the particle (i.e. the axis that links the poles of the two different surface portions of a spherical Janus particle) and reorients with a characteristic time τ set by the particle size, the solvent viscosity and thermal energy [2,7]. Importantly, in the absence of gravitational effects [8] or interactions with confinements [9][10][11], the unit vector representing the direction of motion is allowed to freely diffuse on the surface of a unit sphere, so that reorientation occurs in 3D. Therefore, the resulting selfpropelled motion can be described by a 3D active Brownian motion model [12,13].V and τ are responsible for complex phenomena including clustering [14,15], active self-assembly [16, 17] and swarming [18], and can be altered using external fields (e.g. magnetic [19] and optical [20,21]) or by modifying the swimmer's geometry [22][23][24][25]. However, this simple picture is strictly valid only for freeswimming ...