In this paper we discuss various potentials related to the Riemann zeta function and the Riemann Xi function. These potentials are modified versions of Morse potentials and can also be related to modified forms of the radial harmonic oscillator and modified Coulomb potential. We use supersymmetric quantum mechanics to construct their ground state wave functions and the Fourier transform of the ground state to exhibit the Riemann zeros. This allows us to formulate the Riemann hypothesis in terms of the location of the nodes of the ground state wave function in momentum space. We also discuss the relation these potentials to one and two matrix integrals and construct a few orthogonal polynomials associated with the matrix models. We relate the Schrodinger equation in momentum space to and finite difference equation in momentum space with an infinite number of terms. We computed the uncertainty relations associated with these potentials and ground states as well as the Shannon Information entropy and compare with the unmodified Morse and harmonic oscillator potentials. Finally we discuss the extension of these methods to other functions defined by a Dirichlet series such as the the Ramanujan zeta function.