Nutrition is a key factor in preventing and treating long-term disease. Patients should be advised to follow evidence-based dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, which has shown success in preventing or managing a variety of long-term diseases. All health professionals can play a role in providing nutrition advice to patients; however, many have shown an overall low nutrition knowledge and self-efficacy in counseling patients. Because of this, there is a call by health professional organizations for an increase in the applied nutrition education of health professionals. Increasing Culinary Health Opportunities for Professionals is a learn-first, practice second experiential learning program with currently practicing or aspiring health professionals aimed to increase nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes, and dietary intake. Currently practicing health professionals (n = 15) and aspiring health professionals (n = 14) were recruited to participate in a 16-week online course on culinary medicine and the Mediterranean diet followed by a 2-week cultural immersion in Tuscany, Italy. Participants were taught the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle, culinary medicine, nutrition counseling, and cultural comparisons in the online course. In Tuscany, participants completed culinary lessons, organic farm tours, food production facility tours, and various tastings of Mediterranean foods. Participants completed a 51-item survey that measured nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes, and Mediterranean diet adherence at baseline, post-online education, and post-cultural immersion. Mann-Whitney U tests were used to determine differences in mean scores between cohort 1 (currently practicing) and cohort 2 (aspiring). Results showed that cohort 1 had a greater increase in knowledge (1.07 ± 0.40 vs −0.87 ± 0.40, P = .0069) and self-efficacy (0.74 ± 0.24 vs 0.01 ± 0.24, P = 0.0441) from pre-post course, but at the conclusion of the cultural immersion, there were no significant differences between cohorts in mean changes in attitude, knowledge, self-efficacy, or Mediterranean diet scores from baseline. These results suggest that implementation of this curriculum can be equally effective in increasing nutrition-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and Mediterranean diet adherence for both currently practicing and aspiring health professionals.