Head and neck cancer (HNC) treatment is a complex multidisciplinary undertaking. Although overtreatment can result in functional and cosmetic defects, undertreatment can result in cancer recurrence. Surgery and chemoradiotherapy are both accepted standards for the curative intent treatment of locally advanced mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, but are often prioritized differently depending on the site of tumor origin (e.g., oral cavity/sinonasal vs. oropharynx/larynx), tumor burden, tumor biology, quality-life considerations, and patient preference. Regardless of modalities chosen, failure to cure remains a considerable problem in locally advanced disease. For patients treated with primary surgery, high-risk pathologic features portend higher recurrence rates, and adjuvant therapy can reduce these rates and improve outcomes. This report details which tumor- and nodal-related factors are indications for adjuvant therapy, examines the impact of tumor HPV status on adjuvant treatment paradigms, and considers which systemic therapies should be used for which patients when trimodality therapy is indicated.