Natural products, or specialized metabolites, are important for medicine and agriculture alike, as well as for the fitness of the organisms that produce them. Microbial genome mining aims at extracting metabolic information from genomes of microbes presumed to produce these compounds. Typically, canonical enzyme sequences from known biosynthetic systems are identified after sequence similarity searches. Despite this being an efficient process the likelihood of identifying truly novel biosynthetic systems is low. To overcome this limitation we previously introduced EvoMining, a genome mining approach that incorporates evolutionary principles.Here, we release and use our latest version of EvoMining, which includes novel visualization features and customizable databases, to analyze 42 central metabolic enzyme families conserved throughout Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Pseudomonas and Archaea. We found that expansion-and-recruitment profiles of these enzyme families are lineage specific, opening a new metabolic space related to 'shell' enzymes, which have been overlooked to date. As a case study of canonical shell enzymes, we characterized the expansion and recruitment of glutamate dehydrogenase and acetolactate synthase into scytonemin biosynthesis, and into other central metabolic pathways driving microbial adaptive evolution. By defining the origins and fates of metabolic enzymes, EvoMining not only complements traditional genome mining approaches as an unbiased and rule-independent strategy, but it opens the door to gain insights into the evolution of natural products biosynthesis. We anticipate that EvoMining will be broadly used for metabolic evolutionary studies, and to generate genome-mining predictions leading to unprecedented chemical scaffolds and new antibiotics.
DATA SUMMARYDatabases have been deposited at Zenodo; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1162336 Trees and metadata have been deposited in MicroReact GDH Actinobacteria GDH Cyanobacteria GDH Pseudomonas GDH Archaea ALS Cyanobacteria EvoMining code has been deposited in gitHub https://github/nselem/evomining Docker container in Dockerhub https:// We confirm all supporting data, code and protocols have been provided within the article or through supplementary data files.