The gaming industry has predominately exhibited a significant gender disparity, resulting in the portrayal of game characters, including avatars, in a manner that reinforces gender stereotypes. This study aims to investigate the impact of avatar portrayal on the overall gaming encounter among individuals with diverse gender identities. To achieve this objective, gameplay videos are analysed as valuable sources of players' experiences. The case study focuses on Genji, an avatar from the video game Overwatch (2016) and its subsequent sequel and replacement. By employing multimodal discourse analysis, the study examines the impact of avatar characteristics on player engagement in the context of Overwatch ( 2016) and Overwatch 2 (2022). The findings reveal that avatar characteristics significantly influence player engagement, particularly in terms of gameplay mechanics, surpassing that of the narrative. The endorsement of heteronormative representations, as the character Genji exemplifies, could conspires with the toxic environment. The research advocates that promoting gender inclusivity in the gaming industry requires the integration of a wide range of avatars that not only reflect queerness in the narrative but also in the game mechanics, thereby fostering a more inclusive gaming atmosphere.